

Career - employment


ELGO DEMETER (former National Agricultural Research Foundation -NAGREF) - Forest Research Institute of Thessaloniki

- Research Director, 6/2010 - 

- Associate Research Scientist, 6/2001 – 6/2010

- Assistant Research Scientist, 4/1997 – 6/2001.


University of Crete

Biology Department

- Assistant Professor, 9/1995 - 8/1998

- Lecturer, 10/1993 - 8/1995.             Natural History Museum of Crete

Scientific Collaborator 10/1993 - 3/1997.


University of Athens – Biology Department, Ecology and Taxonomy Section

- Scientist, 1990 – 9/1993

- Researcher – PhD Candidate, 1984-89.



Research activity


Research projects


Α. As Scientific Responsible

1.         [DEMON2] “An integrated approach to assess and monitor desertification processes in the Mediterranean basin”. EU DGXII project (ENV4 - CT95 - 0166 (DG12-DTEE), 1996-99.

2.         [CRETE DESERTIFICATION] “Ecological study of the phenomenon of desertification in Mediterranean ecosystems of Crete”. Greek General Secretary of Research and Development project (PENED A/A 1260), 1996-98.

3.         [CRETE FLORA – VEGETATION] “Study and inventory of shrubs, trees and habitats of Crete”. University of Crete project, 1996-97.

4.         [CRETE NATURE 2000] “Study and inventory of habitat areas of Crete proposed for inclusion in NATURA 2000 Network”. Greek Ministry of Environment and Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre project, 1997.

5.         [MODEM] “Up-scaling and extrapolation of ecological field data for accuracy assessment of remote sensing derived information in Central Crete”. EU – Joint Research Centre project, 2000.

6.         [GEORANGE] «Geomatics approaches for the assessment and sustainable management of Mediterranean rangelands». EU DGXII project (ΕVK2-CT2000-00091), 2001-04.

7.         [ΝΕSTOS] «Promotion of the Nestos Gorges to protect the natural environment and local development». Greek Ministry of Environment project, 2003-04.

8.         [ASTEROUSIA] «Monitoring of protected bird species, flora and priority habitats in Asteroussia Mountains: Local action for informing and educating users and residents». Greek Ministry of Environment project, 2003-04.

9.         [DESURVEY] «A surveillance system for assessing and monitoring of desertification». EU DGXII Integrated project (GOCE-CT-2003-003950), 2005-08 and prolongation until 2010.

10.       [DESURVEY GR] “National Contribution: A surveillance system for assessing and monitoring of desertification in Greece”. Greek General Secretary of Research and Development, 2010-14.

11.       [MEDITERRANEAN ECOSYSTEMS] «Monitoring of the ecological status of degraded Mediterranean ecosystems in areas of Greece». ELGO-DEMETER project, 2013-15.

12.       [DADIA] «Comparative study of the state of conservation of habitat types of the National Park of Dadia - Lefkimi - Soufli». HOMEOTECH - Management Body of the National Park of Dadia - Lefkimi – Soufli project, 2015-17.

13.       [SFEDA] «Forest Monitoring System for Early Fire Detection and Assessment in the Balkan-Med Area». INTERREG V-B_ BALKAN – MEDITERRANEAN project (MIS 5013503), 2017-20.

14.       [AISTHITIKO KAVALAS] “Assessment of the condition of the Kavala Aesthetic Forest / Necessities”. HOMEOTECH – Forest Directorate of Kavala project, 2019-20.

15.       [HABITATS EPM K. MAKEDONIAS] “Evaluation of the situation-degree of conservation of natural habitat types in the NATURA 2000 areas of Central Macedonia”. HOMEOTECH – Ministry of Environment project, 2019-2021.

16.       [FLORA EPM K. MAKEDONIAS] “Evaluation of the situation-degree of conservation of flora species in the NATURA 2000 areas of Central Macedonia”. HOMEOTECH – Ministry of Environment project, 2019-2020.

17.       [STENA NESTOU] “Monitoring and evaluation of the situation-degree of conservation of habitat types and flora species of Nestos Straits». HOMEOTECH – Forest Directorate of Kavala project, 2021-22.


Β. As Associate Scientific Responsible or Project Manager*

18.       [NATURA II] “Monitoring of protected bird species, flora and identification and description of habitat types in areas of interest for nature conservation (NATURA 2000, second phase, Project 4)”. Greek Ministry of Environment funding, 1999-2000. Scientific Responsible: Prof. N. Athanasiadis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). Coordinator and scientific responsible for NAGREF: Dr. P. Konstantinidis. Responsible of 12 Natura 2000 areas of Crete and one of Euboia.

19.       [SITHON] «Application and evaluation of terrestrial and aerial remote detection methods in the early location-notification-monitoring of forest fires». Greek Ministry of Environment funding, 2003-2007. Coordinator and Scient. Responsible: Dr. P. Konstantinidis (NAGREF). Associate Coordinator and Scientific Responsible, and Financial Manager, so well as Responsible of Work Packages “Fuel Loads Mapping and Fire Risk Evaluation” and “Application of Terrestrial Remote Detection”.  

20.       [PAFOS CYPRUS] «Preparation of an Integrated Management Plan for the Pafos Forest».  EEA and Norway Grants - Cyprus Forest Division - “TSIARAS – PALASKAS – KALLISTO” funding, 2010-11. Scient. Responsible: Dr. S. Gatzogiannis (NAGREF).*

21.       [KOUPONIA] “Innovative methods and techniques for the integrated inventory and management of forest ecosystems”. National Funds, 2011-13. Scient. Responsible: Dr. S. Gatzogiannis (NAGREF).*

22.       [AINOS] «Comparative study of the conservation status of habitat types of Ainos National Park». HOMEOTECH - Management Body of the Ainos National Park funding, 2013-16. Scient. Responsible: Dr. P. Konstantinidis (ELGO DEMETER). Associate Responsible and Financial Manager.

23.       [AXIOS] «Comparative study of the state of conservation of habitat types of Axios Delta - Loudias - Aliakmonas». HOMEOTECH - Management Body of Axios Delta - Loudias – Aliakmonas funding, 2015-17. Scient. Responsible: Dr. P. Konstantinidis (ELGO DEMETER). Associate Responsible and Financial Manager.

24.       [EKPONISI MELETIS] «Management study and plan of Peloponnese Region Natura 2000 sites –Group A sites». NERCO AEM - Ministry of Environment funding, 2019-20. Scient. Responsible: Dr. F. Xystrakis (ELGO DEMETER).

25.       [PARNONAS] «Assessment of environmental conditions for the support of Management Actions: Preliminary assessment for interventions to improve the state of preservation and distribution of the Habitat Type 92A0”.  Management Body of Parnon, Moustos, Mainalos and Monemvasia funding, 2020.  Scient. Responsible: Dr. F. Xystrakis (ELGO DEMETER).

26.       [SAMARIA] «Monitoring of species of flora and terrestrial Habitats Types except T.H. 8310». Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania funding, 2020-23. Scient. Responsible: Dr. F. Xystrakis (ELGO DEMETER).

27.       [EKPONISI MELETIS B] «Management study and plan of Peloponnese Region Natura 2000 sites –Group B sites». NERCO AEM - Ministry of Environment funding, 2020-21. Scient. Responsible: Dr. F. Xystrakis (ELGO DEMETER).

28.       [GLORIA] «Provision of services by specialized scientists for the establishment of a climate change monitoring system in the alpine habitats of Olympus and the integration of the region in the international program and GLORIA network». Management Body of the Olumpus National Park funding, 2020-22. Scient. Responsible: Dr. F. Xystrakis (ELGO DEMETER).

29.       [PELOPONNESE FLORA] «Distribution of Peloponnese flora». NERCO AEM - Ministry of Environment project funding, 2021. Scient. Responsible: Dr. F. Xystrakis (ELGO DEMETER).


C. As responsible scientist of a part of project and research team

30.       [MAQUIS AND PHRYGANA] «Structure and function of island ecosystems of the Aegean: maquis and phrygana». EU DGXII project, 1984-85 and 1986-87. Scient. Responsible: Prof. I. Matsakis (University of Athens). Responsibility: Planning and conducting the part related to plant communities.

31.       [CYCLADES] «Ecology and development program abandoned and semi-abandoned agro-livestock areas of the Cyclades: Grazing and management (phrygana, maquis, olive groves, crops)». Greek Ministry of Agriculture, 1985-87. Scient. Responsible: Prof. I. Matsakis (University of Athens). Responsibility: Responsible and coordinator of the part related to plant communities and grazing experiments.

32.       [NATURA I] «NATURA 2000 Network: Inventory of habitats and species of flora and fauna (Annex I and II of the EU) in Greece». Greek Ministry of Environment project, 1994-96.   Scientific Responsible: Emeritus Prof. S. Daphis (The Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre) – Assist. Prof. K. Georgiou (University of Athens). Responsibility: Expert - Responsible for the vegetation and habitats of 55 areas of Crete and the N. Aegean.

33.       [RISK-EOS] «Flood and fire risk information services - PrePoject». EU project, 2007-08. Scient. Responsible: Dr. H. Kontoes (National Observatory of Athens). Responsibility: Planning and conducting the part related to plant communities.

34.       [SWeFS] «Sensor Web Fire Shield». Ministry of Education – THALIS Program, 2012-15. Scient. Responsible: Assoc. Prof. Ef. Chatzieythimiou (University of Athens). Responsibility: Planning and conducting the part related to plant communities and fuel loads.


D. As member of research team

35.       [SCOPE] «Structure et fonctionnement d´ écosystèmes forestiers de Belgique». EU project, 1978-80. Scient. Responsible: Prof. P. Duvigneaud (Université Libre de Bruxelles). Responsibility: Conducting the part related to biomass and productivity of Belgian forests.

36.       [COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS] «Effect of human activities on coastal ecosystems of islands (beaches, meadows, forests and phrygana)». EU project, 1985-86. Scient. Responsible: Prof. I. Matsakis (University of Athens). Responsibility: Conducting the part related to plant communities.

37.       [ISLAND ECOSYSTEMS] «Study of human impact on island ecosystems of the Aegean». EU project, 1986-88.  Scient. Responsible: Prof. I. Matsakis (University of Athens). Responsibility: Conducting the part related to plant communities.

38.       [ROCKY ISLETS] «Study of the natural environment of rocky islets with difficult access of Greece». Levendis Foundation, 1991-93.  Scient. Responsible: Assit. Prof. M. Mylonas (University of Athens). Responsibility: Conducting the part related to plant communities.

39.       [CHRYSSI] «Management study of the natural environment of Chryssi Island (Crete)». Municipality of Ierapetra Crete, 1994. Scient. Responsible: Assoc. Prof. M. Mylonas (University of Crete). Responsibility: Conducting the part related to plant communities.

40.       [CRETE] «The natural environment of Crete». Region of Crete project, 1994-96. Scient. Responsible: Assoc. Prof. M. Mylonas (University of Crete). Responsibility: Conducting the part related to plant communities.

41.       [ΝΑΤΟ] «Science for Stability». ΝΑΤΟ project, 1994-1997. Scient. Responsible: Prof. N. Stamou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). Responsibility: Conducting the part related to plant communities and fuel loads.

42.       [W. CRETE WETLANDS] «Protection and management of wetlands in Western Crete». EU project, 1996-98. Scient. Responsible: Assoc. Prof. M. Mylonas (University of Crete). Responsibility: Carrying out part of the project. Expert for vegetation and habitats.

43.       [ALMYROS] «Study on the protection and management of the river Iraklio». Region of Crete, 1997. Scient. Responsible: Assoc. Prof. M. Mylonas (University of Crete). Responsibility: Conducting the part related to plant communities.

44.       [ATHOS] «Effect of fire-environment-human development in the growing of vegetation of Sithonia and Mount Athos». Greek Ministry of Agriculture, 1997-2000. Scient. Responsible: Dr. P. Konstantinidis (National Agricultural Research Foundation).

45.       [PROSOTSANI] «Organization of awareness-raising and environmental education of students and adults to support the Information Centre Mikropoli Prosotsani Drama». Greek Ministry of Environment project, 2003-04. Scient. Responsible: Dr. P. Konstantinidis (National Agricultural Research Foundation).

46.       [NNBR] «National Network of Biodiversity Research». Greek Ministry of Environment project, 2009. Scient. Responsible: Dr. A. Magoulas (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research).

47.       [PINDOS/GREVENA] «Demonstration of Conservation Actions for Ursus arctos* and Pinus nigra habitat type 9530* in Northern Pindos N.P., Grevena Prefecture, Greece». EU project (LIFE07 NAT/GR/000291), 2009-2012. Scient. Responsible: Dr. P. Konstantinidis (National Agricultural Research Foundation).

48.       [NATURA – MONITORING] «Second six-year report on the implementation of the Directive in Greece 92/43/EU». Greek Ministry of Environment project, 2007.  As Invited expert.


Research development in new areas

Topics in Landscape Ecology and geomatics: Innovative development of new methodologies using technologies such as remote sensing and GIS in ecological research for the assessment of ecosystems, such as inventory - mapping of habitats and environmental characteristics, especially the vegetation, biomass/fuel load and leaf area index (LAI).

Research projects: [DEMON2], [MODEM], [GEORANGE], [DESURVEY], and [SFEDA].

Protection against the risk of forest fires: Innovative application of remote methods in the early detection - notification – monitoring of forest fires. Also, implementation in planning and contribution to the development of GIS multi-level information data base.

Research projects: [SITHON], [RISK-EOS], [SWeFS], and [SFEDA].


Coordination of activities in wider areas of research

Coordination, as scientific responsible, of projects in broader areas of research with scientists in many disciplines, including:

- Topics of flora, vegetation and fauna (and their sub-areas).


- Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, Biodiversity, Vegetation issues.

Research projects: [DEMON2], [MODEM], [GEORANGE], [DESURVEY] and [SFEDA].

Coordination, as associate scientific responsible, broader areas of research, with private companies and scientists of many disciplines, including telecommunications, aviation, remote sensing, informatics, programmation, Geographic Information Systems, forestry economics, firefighting, fire protection, and vegetation.

Research project: [SITHON].

Coordination as the responsible of the study area in Crete, of socio-economic research with questionnaires to farmers-breeders.

Research projects:  [DESURVEY].



Teaching experience


Higher Education Autonomous-teaching      

Teaching courses and laboratory exercises and organizing field excursions for the undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Department of Biology, University of Crete (academicals years 1993-94 to 1997-98): Ecology, Management of Ecosystems, Flora and Vegetation of Crete, Biogeography, Greek Ecosystems, and Island Ecology.


Higher Education Assisting-Teaching

Teaching seminars, conducting field exercises (Ecology) and assistance to field excursions (Ecology, Zoology) of the Section Ecology and Taxonomy of the University of Athens (acad. years 1988-89 to 1991-92).


Students Supervision-Evaluation

In the frame of the above teaching and research activities supervision-evaluation of more than 20 students and post-graduate students in their research activities.  


Environmental Education

Teaching of environmental education seminars in Crete (1995-96).

Contribution to the organization of six exhibitions for the natural environment of Greece (1987, 1994-97).





Selection in the list of research staff of the EU General Directorate XII-Technology, Research and Development (years 1997-2003). Not acceptation of position because of family commitments.

 Participation to the awarded documentary "Glühende Landschaften verwüsten unsere urlaubsliender?" by Christian Friedl - ARD, on the desertification in the Mediterranean Basin (Crete, 7/2007) .

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