
Professional experience

1999-present    Administration, research, and extension responsibilities as institute director and senior research scientist, Forest Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Foundation.

1992-1999    Research and extension responsibilities as researcher, Forest Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Foundation.

1986-1992    Research and consultancy in Department of Range Management, Forest Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture.
1985-1986    Forester with Forest Service of Greece.
1980-1983    Research Assistant with Range Science Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Preceding    Considerable forest and rangeland experience on Forest Service of Greece and Forest Research Institute of Ministry of Agriculture.

My research

My research activities include both basic and applied research in the field of ecology and management of rangeland resources, in view of better use of rangeland plants and habitats. More precisely they focus on:
•    The foraging behaviour and nutrition of grazing animals and how these interact with the grazing environment. It is centralized on (i) what grazing animals eat and why do it and (ii) the study and understanding of the plant – herbivore interactions to provide better grazing management of rangelands and related forage resources and enhance and maintain the biodiversity of landscapes.
•    Woody rangeland plants and how they can be integrated in the Mediterranean grazing systems.
•    Management recommendations to enhance efficient use of rangelands.

I have studied a variety of habitats such as grasslands, shrublands, forested rangelands and grazed forests grazing by cattle, goats and sheep. Also, I conducted a series of control experiments with indoors animals (goats and sheep) fed with specific plant species to uncover the mechanisms of diet selection and evaluate the value of these plants as forages. These research activities were funded by National and European resources.

Courses I teach

 In 1988, I taught a class on grazing lands and principles of their management in the Technological Educational Institute of Kavala, Department of Forestry (Drama, Greece). Also, I occasionally give presentations in classes and seminars (e.g. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Thessaly, Mediterranean Agronomic Institutes).


Membership in professional associations

1.    Hellenic Range and Pasture Society


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