



1. KAZANTZIDIS S. 1998Breeding ecology of the Little Egret [Egretta garzetta garzetta (L., 1766)] at the Axios Delta, Greece. Ph.D. School of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, 208 p. http://thesis.ekt.gr/thesisBookReader/id/10684#page/1/mode/2up


Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals

1. GOUTNER V. & SKAZANTZIDIS. 1989. Evaluation of the relative importance of the zoning of the Evros Delta wetland (Greece) for bird groups of special conservation interest. Acta Oecologica - Oecologia Applicata 10 (4): 365-378. 

2. GOUTNER V.,Η. JERRENTRUP, S. KAZANTZIDIS & T. NAZIRIDES. 1991. Occurrence of the Cattle egret, Bubulcus ibis, in Greece. Rivista Italiana Ornitologia 61: 107-112.

3. GOUTNER V. & S. KAZANTZIDIS. 1992. Shorebird populations in the Evros Delta, Greece.Bios 1: 65-94.

4. KAZANTZIDIS S. & V. GOUTNER. 1996. Foraging ecology and conservation of feeding habitats of Little egrets (Egretta garzetta) in the Axios river delta, Macedonia, Greece. Colonial Waterbirds 19 (Special Publication 1): 115-121.

 5. KAZANTZIDIS S., H. HAFNER & V. GOUTNER.1997. Comparative breeding ecology of Little egret (Egretta garzetta) in the Axios (Greece) and the Camargue (France). Revue Ecologie (Terre Vie) 51: 313-327. 

6. KAZANTZIDIS S., V. GOUTNER, M. PYROVETSI & A. SINIS. 1997. Comparative nest site selection and breeding success in 2 sympatric ardeids, Black-crowned Night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) and Little egret (Egretta garzetta) in Axios Delta, Macedonia, Greece. Colonial Waterbirds 20: 505-517. 

7. KAZANTZIDIS S2000. Breeding ecology of the Little egret (Egretta garzetta garzetta L., 1756) at the Axios Delta, Macedonia, Greece. Bios 5: 83-85.

8. KAZANTZIDIS S. & V. GOUTNER. 2005. The diet of nestlings of three ardeidae species (Aves, Ciconiiformes) in the Axios Delta, Greece. Belgian Journal of Zoology 135: 165-170.

9. PAPAKOSTAS G., S. KAZANTZIDIS, V. GOUTNER and Ir. CHARALAMBIDOU. 2005. Factors affecting the foraging behavior of the Squacco Heron. Waterbirds 28 (1): 28-34.

10. GOUTNER V. and S. KAZANTZIDIS & Ir. CHARALAMBIDOU. 2005. Patterns of occurrence of waders (Aves, Charadrii) in the Axios Delta, Macedonia, Greece. Journal of Biological Research 3: 47-58.  http://www.jbr.gr/papers20051/05-Goutner.pdf

11. KOUKOURAS A., Α.Ι. SINIS, D. BOBORI, S. KAZANTZIDIS & M-S. KITSOS. 2007. The echinoderm (Deuterostomia) fauna of the Aegean Sea, and comparison with those of the neighbouring seas. Journal of Biological Research – Thessaloniki 7: 67-92.   http://www.jbr.gr/papers20071/07-Koukouras%20et%20al.pdf

12. KAZANTZIDIS S. 2007. Trends in current ornithology in Greece. Journal of Biological Research – Thessaloniki 8: 139-149.  http://www.jbr.gr/papers20072/03-Kazantzidis.pdf

13. KAZANTZIDIS S. and V. GOUTNER. 2008. Abundance and habitat use by herons (Ardeidae) in the Axios delta, northern Greece. Journal of Biological Research – Thessaloniki 10: 129-138.  http://www.jbr.gr/papers20082/02-Kazantzidis%20et%20al.pdf

14. KAZANTZIDIS S., D. VANGELUWE, G. HANDRINOS, F. PERGANTIS, I. SCHOGOLEV and Y. ROUSSOPOULOS. 2009. The migration of waders (Aves, Charadrii) in Greece. Avocetta 33 (2): 171-183.  

 15. KARMIRIS I., S. KAZANTZIDIS and T. G. PAPACHRISTOU. 2010. Variation in diet composition of wintering waterfowl among Greek wetlands. Avocetta 34: 21-28. http://ciso-coi.it/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Avocetta34_1.pdf

16. KARMIRIS I., P. PLATIS, S. KAZANTZIDIS and T. PAPACHRISTOU. 2011. Diet selection by domestic and wild herbivore species in a coastal Mediterranean wetland. Ann. Zool. Fennici 48: 233-242. 

 17. ALIVIZATOS H., S. KAZANTZIDIS & P. BIRTSAS. 2011. Winter diet of the Marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus (Aves, Accipitriformes) in the Evros Delta (Greece). Sci. Annals of the Danube Delta Institute 17: 11-14.  http://www.ddni.ro/manager/editor/UserFiles/File/Anale2011/art_2_din_2011.pdf

 18. KAZANTZIDIS S., G. YFANTIS, K. POIRAZIDIS. 2013. Factors influencing species composition and nest abundance of heron colonies. Journal of Biological Research - Thessaloniki 20: 276-289. http://www.jbr.gr/main/papers20132/11-Kazantzidis%20et%20al._BIOLOGICAL%20RESEARCH%2020.pdf

 19. ALOUPI M., S. KAZANTZIDIS, T. AKRIOTIS, E. BANTIKOU, V-O. HATZIDAKI. 2015. Lesser White-fronted Anser erythropus and Greater White-fronted (A. albifrons) Geese wintering in Greek wetlands are not threatened by Pb through shot ingestion. Science of the Total Environment 527-528: 279-286. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969715300176

20. KAZANTZIDIS S., M. PANAGIOTOPOULOU, A. CHRISTIDIS, E. PATETSINI, S. DONTH. 2015. Wintering population and diet of Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo at the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace National Park, Greece. Cormorant Research Group Bulletin 8: 39-41.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzi_0A9HaiYEa0N0ZVZ3cWdWbG8/view?pref=2&pli=1

21. DIAKOU A., A.C. NORTE, I.L. CARVALHO, S. NUNCIO, M. NOVAKOVA. M. KAUTMAN, H. ALIVIZATOS, S. KAZANTZIDIS, O. SYNCHRA, I. LITERAK. 2016. Ticks and tick borne pathogens in wild birds in Greece. Parasitology  Research 115 (5): 2011-2016.  http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00436-016-4943-3 

22. ALOUPI M., A. KARAGIANNI, S. KAZANTZIDIS, T. AKRIOTIS. 2017Heavy metals in liver and brain of waterfowl from Evros Delta, Greece. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 72: 215-234. http://rdcu.be/oswu

  23. KARMIRIS I., S. KAZANTZIDIS, P. PLATIS, Τ.G. PAPACHRISTOU. 2017. Diet selection by wintering Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus and the role of food availability. Bird Conservation International  27: 355 - 370. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0959270916000393

24. DIAKOU A., J.B. PEDROSO, C. SOARES, H. ALIVIZATOS, M. PANAGIOTOPOULOU, S. KAZANTZIDIS,  I. LITERAK, O. SYCHRA. 2017. Chewing lice from wild birds in northern Greece. Parasitology International  66: 699-706.    http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.parint.2017.07.003


25. VANGELUVE D., S.D. ROSENFELD, S.V. VOLKOV, S. KAZANTZIDIS, V.V. MOROZOV, D.O. ZAMYATIN AND G.V. KIRTAEV. 2018. Migrations of Bewick's swans (Cygnus bewickii): New data on tagging the migration routes, stopovers and wintering sites. Biology Bulletin 45: 90-101. 




  Books and chapters in books (in english)

 1. KAZANTZIDISS. & M. ANAGNOSTOPOULOU. 1996. Lake Koronia. pp. 67-81 (vol. II). Ιn: Morillo C. and J. L. Gonzalez (editors).Management of Mediterranean Wetlands.Case Studies (1-4). Med. Wet. - Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (Spain). 
2. KAZANTZIDISS. 2005. Greece. In: D.N. Carss and M. Marzano (editors). Reducing the conflict between cormorants and fisheries on a pan-European scale – Summary and national overviews.NERC-Centre of Ecology and Hydrology – University of Durham, UK, pp. 154-170.
3. KARMIRIS H., S. KAZANTZIDIS and M. PANAGIOTOPOULOU. 2009. A note on the diet of the Lesser White-fronted Goose wintering in the Evros delta, Greece. In: Tolvanen, P., Oien I.J. and Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Conservation of the Lesser White-fronted Goose on the European migration route. Final Report of the EU LIFE Nature project 2005-2009. WWF Finland Report 27 and NOF Rapportserie Report No 1-2009. pp. 68-70. 
4. KAZANTZIDIS S. 2013. Status of the breeding population of Great Cormorants in Greece in 2012. In: Bregnballe, T., Lynch, J., Parz-Gollner, R., Marion, L., Volponi, S., Paquet, J-Y. & van Eerden, M.R. (eds.) 2013. National reports from the 2012 breeding census of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in parts of the Western Palearctic. IUCN-Wetlands International Cormorant Research Group Report. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 106 pp. Technical Report from DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy No. 22. pp. 117-120.  http://dce2.au.dk/pub/TR22.pdf
5. VOUGIOUKALOU M., S. KAZANTZIDIS, T. AARVAK (Eds). 2017. Safeguarding the Lesser White-fronted Goose Fennoscandian population at key staging and wintering sites within the European flyway. Special publication. LIFE+ 10 NAT/GR/000638 Project. HOS/BirdLife Greece, HAOD Forest Research Institute, NOF/BirdLife Narway report no 2017-2.  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320556405_Safeguarding_the_Lesser_White-fronted_Goose_Fennoscandian_population_at_key_staging_and_wintering_sites_within_the_European_flyway


  Abstracts in proceedings  of international conferences 

 1. KAZANTZIDIS S. and V. GOUTNER. 2002. Comparative study of the diet of three Ardeidae species (Aves, Ciconiiformes) in the Axios Delta, northern Greece. Abstracts of the 9th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent areas. Hellenic Zoological Society-National Centre of Marine Research. Thessaloniki, 22-25 May 2002, p. 57.  (Oral).

2.GOUTNER V., S. KAZANTZIDIS, P. LATSOUDIS and IR. CHARALAMBIDOU. 2002. Seasonal trends of bird population of conservation importance in wetlands of Thermaikos gulf, Macedonia, Greece. Abstracts of the 9th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent areas. Hellenic Zoological Society - National Centre of Marine Research. Thessaloniki, 22-25 May 2002, p. 47.(Oral).


3.TSIAKIRIS R., S. KAZANTZIDIS, K. STARA, P. AZMANIS and L. SIDIROPOULOS. 2002. Methods of selection and experimental implementation of artificial feeding places for vultures in northern Greece. Abstracts of the 9th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent areas. Hellenic Zoological Society-National Centre of Marine Research. Thessaloniki, 22-25 May 2002, p. 156. (poster).


4. HATZILACOUD., S. KAZANTZIDIS, L. TZANIKAS and K. KASIOUMIS. 2005. A raptor feeding station: protecting avian biodiversity in the Special Protection Zone of Antichasia-Meteora. International Conference: «Biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in mountain areas of Europe: The challenge of interdisciplinary research». Ioannina, 20-24 September 2005. (Oral).


5. KAZANTZIDIS S., M. NOIDOU, E. MAKRIGIANNI, K. POIRAZIDIS, T. NAZIRIDIS, F. PERGANTIS, S. BOURDAKIS and Y. TSOUGRAKIS. 2006. Wintering waterfowl in Greece. Abstracts of the 10th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent areas. Hellenic Zoological Society, Hellenic Ornithological Society, Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food, University of Patras, Patra, 26-30 June 2006, p. 53. (Oral).


6. ALIVIZATOS H., S. KAZANTZIDIS and P. BIRTSAS. 2006. Winter diet of the Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus in the Evros Delta, Greece. Abstracts of the 10th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent areas. Hellenic Zoological Society, Hellenic Ornithological Society, Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food, University of Patras, Patra, 26-30 June 2006 p. 104. (poster).


7. ALIVIZATOS H., P. AZMANIS, R. TSIAKIRIS, S. XIROUCHAKIS, T. SKARTSI and SKAZANTZIDIS. 2006. Evaluation of the supplementary feeding for vultures and other raptors in Greece.Abstracts of the 10th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent areas. Hellenic Zoological Society, Hellenic Ornithological Society, Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food, University of Patras, Patra 26-30 June 2006, p.8.(Oral).


8. TSIAKIRIS R., S. KAZANTZIDIS, A. BETSIS, K. KASIOUMIS, A. DIMALEXIS, S. STAIS and S. BOURDAKIS. 2006. Bird monitoring system in 6 Special Protected Areas (SPA’s) in mountainous Greece. Abstracts of the 10th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent areas. Hellenic Zoological Society, Hellenic Ornithological Society, Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food, University of Patras, Patra 26-30 June 2006 p. 218. (poster).


9. GRIGORIADIS N., S. KAZANTZIDIS and A. DIMALEXIS. 2006. Habitats and bird communities in Agras Lake, Macedonia, Greece. In: Book of Abstract of the 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology. Eger, Hungary, 22-26 August 2006, pp.113-114. (poster).


10. KAZANTZIDIS S., D. VANGELUWE, G. HANDRINOS, F. PERGANTIS, I. SCHOGOLEV and Y. ROUSSOPOULOS. 2007. Waders’ (Aves, Charadrii, Scolopaci) migration in Greece. In: Book of abstracts of the 17th International Conference of the European Bird Census Council “Bird numbers 2007 – Monitoring for conservation and management”. Chiavenna, Italy, April 17-22, 2007, p. 39-40. (Oral).


11. YFANTIS G. and S. KAZANTZIDIS. 2007. Factors affecting the location and size of heron colonies in Greece. In: Book of abstracts of the 31st annual meeting of the Waterbird Society. Barcelona, Spain, 30 October – 3 November 2007 p. 128. (Oral).


12. KARMIRIS I. and S. KAZANTZIDIS. 2007. Wintering diet composition of selected wildfowl species in Greece. In: Book of abstracts of the 31st annual meeting of the Waterbird Society. Barcelona, Spain, 30 October – 3 November 2007, p. 139. (poster).


13. HANDRINOS G., TH. KASTRITIS, G. CATSADORAKIS, H. ALIVIZATOS, S. XIROUCHAKIS, S. KAZANTZIDIS, S. BOURDAKIS and T. DIMALEXIS. 2009. The new Red List of the threatened birds of Greece. In: Poulakakis N. and Vardinoyannis K. (eds). Abstracts of the International Congress of the Zoogeography, Ecology and Evolution of Eastern Mediterranean, 11th ICZEGAR. 21-25 September 2009, Herakleion, Crete, Greece, Hellenic Zoological Society, p.37. (Oral).


14. KAZANTZIDIS S., F. PERGANTIS, E. MAKRIGIANNI, K. POIRAZIDIS, S. BOURDAKIS and E. KAKALIS. 2009. Waterfowl and hunting in Greek wetlands. In: Poulakakis N. and Vardinoyannis K. (eds). Abstracts of the International Congress of the Zoogeography, Ecology and Evolution of Eastern Mediterranean, 11th ICZEGAR. 21-25 September 2009, Herakleion, Crete, Greece, Hellenic Zoological Society, p.50. (Oral).


15.KAZANTZIDIS S. and I. KARMIRIS. 2009. Lead shot ingestion by waterfowl in Greek wetlands. In: Poulakakis N. and Vardinoyannis K. (eds). Abstracts of the International Congress of the Zoogeography, Ecology and Evolution of Eastern Mediterranean, 11th ICZEGAR. 21-25 September 2009, Herakleion, Crete, Greece, Hellenic Zoological Society, p.137. (poster).


16. KAZANTZIDIS S., H. ALIVIZATOS, T. AKRIOTIS and G. HANDRINOS. 2009. A review of recoveries of ringed waterfowl in Greece. In: Poulakakis N. and Vardinoyannis K. (eds). Abstracts of the International Congress of the Zoogeography, Ecology and Evolution of Eastern Mediterranean, 11th ICZEGAR. 21-25 September 2009, Herakleion, Crete, Greece, Hellenic Zoological Society, p. 138. (poster).


17.KAZANTZIDIS Sand G. YFANTIS. 2010. HeronandegretcoloniesinGreece. In: Akriotis T., Albayrak T., Kiziroglou I., Erdogan A. and Turan L. (eds). 3rd International Eurasian Ornithology Congress. Mytillini, Greece, 8-11-April 2010. p. 23. (Oral).


18. ALOUPI M., T. AKRIOTIS, S. KAZANTZIDIS and M. KOULOUSARIS. 2010. Lead concentrations and lead poisoning in waterfowl in the Evros Delta (Greece). In: Akriotis T., Albayrak T., Kiziroglou I., Erdogan A. and Turan L. (eds). 3rd International Eurasian Ornithology Congress. Mytillini, Greece, 8-11-April 2010. p. 57. (poster).


19. ALIVIZATOS H., S. KALPAKIS, S. KAZANTZIDIS and M. NOIDOU. 2010. Diet of the Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) in urban and non urban habitats in northern Greece. In: Akriotis T., Albayrak T., Kiziroglou I., Erdogan A. and Turan L. (eds). 3rd International Eurasian Ornithology Congress. Mytillini, Greece, 8-11-April 2010. p. 60. (poster).


20. GASTERATOS I., K. KATI, and S. KAZANTZIDIS. 2010. Waterbirds in three wetlands on the island of Corfu, northwestern Greece. In: Akriotis T., Albayrak T., Kiziroglou I., Erdogan A. and Turan L. (eds). 3rd International Eurasian Ornithology Congress. Mytillini, Greece, 8-11-April 2010. p. 76. (poster).


21. PANAGIOTOPOULOU M., Y. TSOUGRAKIS, TH. NAZIRIDIS, E. MAKRIYANNI, S. KAZANTZIDIS, D. VANGELUWE, G. HANDRINOS, K. POIRAZIDIS and T. SKARTSI. 2010. Monitoring the population of Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus wintering in Greece: 1996-2009. In: Akriotis T., Albayrak T., Kiziroglou I., Erdogan A. and Turan L. (eds). 3rd International Eurasian Ornithology Congress. Mytillini, Greece, 8-11-April 2010. p. 97. (Oral).


22. FAKRIADIS Y., E. MAKRIGIANNI, D. VANGELUWE, S. KAZANTZIDIS and A. ATHANASIADIS. 2010. The waterbird ringing station in the Evros Delta, Greece. In: Akriotis T., Albayrak T., Kiziroglou I., Erdogan A. and Turan L. (eds). 3rd International Eurasian Ornithology Congress. Mytillini, Greece, 8-11-April 2010. p. 98.  (poster).


23. PANAGIOTOPOULOU M., S. KAZANTZIDIS and E. KOUTRAKIS. 2011. Cormorants - fisheries conflict: the case of Porto Lagos lagoon, NE Greece. In: Mennobart van Eerden, Stef van Rijn and Rosemarie Parz-Gollner (eds), Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Cormorants, 5th Meeting of Wetlands International Cormorant Research Group. Medemblik, The Netherlands, 24 - 27 November 2011. p. 12. (Oral).


24. ALOUPI M., T. AKRIOTIS, S. KAZANTZIDIS, M. KOULOUSARIS and N. KALOGEROPOULOS. 2011. Heavy metal levels in tissues of wigeon (Anas penelope) from the Evros Delta, Greece. 6th International Symposium on environmental pollution and its impact on life in the Mediterranean region, Ioannina, Greece, September 24-27, 2011. MESAEP Mediterranean Scientific Association of Environmental Protection. (poster).


25. KAZANTZIDIS S. and G. YFANTIS. 2012. Characteristics and conservation of heronries in Greece. In: A. Legakis, C. Georgiadis and P. Pafilis (eds) 2012. Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography, Ecology and Evolution of southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. Athens, Greece, 18-22 June 2012. Hellenic Zoological Society. 93 p. (Oral).


26. KAZANTZIDIS S., G. HANDRINOS, H. ALIVIZATOS, T. AKRIOTIS and D. PORTOLOU. 2012. Fluctuations and trends of waterfowl populations wintering in Greece duringthe period 1986-2006. 2012. In: A. Legakis, C. Georgiadis and P. Pafilis (eds) 2012. Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography, Ecology and Evolution of southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. Athens, Greece, 18-22 June 2012. Hellenic Zoological Society. p. 94. (Oral).


27. PANAGIOTOPOULOU M., S. KAZANTZIDIS, E. KATRANA and L. ALVANOU. 2012.The importance of the Axios-Loudias Aliakmon wetland complex for nesting of threatened species of gulls and terns. In: A. Legakis, C. Georgiadis and P. Pafilis (eds) 2012. Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography, Ecology and Evolution of southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. Athens, Greece, 18-22 June 2012. Hellenic Zoological Society. p. 123. (poster).


28. KAZANTZIDIS S., T. NAZIRIDIS, G. CATSADORAKIS, H. NIKOLAOU and E. MAKRIYANNI. 2013. Nesting population trends of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) in Greece. In: Szabo. D. Z. V. Keller, D. Noble, J. Veres-Szaszka (Eds). 2013. Every bird counts. Book of Abstracts of the 19th Conference of the European Bird Census Council. Babes Bolyai University, Romanian Ornithological Society/ BirdLife Romania, Milvus Group-Bird and Nature Protection Association, Cluj-Romania, 17-21 Sep. 2013. p. 106. (poster).


29. KAZANTZIDIS S. and I. VASSILIADIS. 2013. Avian diversity in wet grassland at the Evros Delta, Greece. In: Szabo. D. Z. V. Keller, D. Noble, J. Veres-Szaszka (Eds). 2013. Every bird counts. Book of Abstracts of the 19th Conference of the European Bird Census Council. Babes Bolyai University, Romanian Ornithological Society/ BirdLife Romania, Milvus Group-Bird and Nature Protection Association, Cluj-Romania, 17-21 Sep. 2013. p. 107. (poster).


30. KAZANTZIDIS S., M. PANAGIOTOPOULOU, A. CHRISTIDIS, E. PATETSINI, S. DONTH, V. TERZIS, A. MICHAILIDOU, V. KATSOULIS, N. PIAKIS, K. MINASIDOU and E. CHARTZOULAKI. 2014. Preliminary results on the wintering population and diet of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis at a Greek coastal wetland. In: Book of Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Cormorants – 6th Meeting of Wetlands International Cormorant Research Group. Osijek 23-27 April 2014.  p. 27. (poster).


31. OLDRICH S., A. DIAKOU, H. ALIVIZATOS, S. KAZANTZIDIS and I. LITERAK. 2014. Chewing lice of wild birds in Greece. p. 77-78. In: Book of Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Phthiraptera. Canyons Resort, Park City, Utah, USA. 2-7 August 2014. (poster).


32.  KAZANTZIDIS S., NAZIRIDIS T., CATSADORAKIS G. and PORTOLOU D. 2017. Nesting population trend and distribution of Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmaeus) colonies during the period 1997-2014 in Greece.  In: Programme and Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Conference on Cormorants - 7th Meeting of Wetlands International - 1st Meeting of Pelican Specialists Group "Pelicans, cormorants and fishes: mutual competition or harmonious coexistence?"  15 - 19 March 2017, Akritochori, Lake Kerkini National Park Greece. p.  15. (Oral).


33. KAZANTZIDIS S., NAZIRIDIS T., CATSADORAKIS G., NIKOLAOU H., MAKRIGIANNI E. and  BOURDAKIS E. 2017.  The Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) colonies in Greece: changes in distribution during the period 1940-2016. In:  Programme and Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Conference on Cormorants - 7th Meeting of Wetlands International - 1st Meeting of Pelican Specialists Group "Pelicans, cormorants and fishes: mutual competition or harmonious coexistence?" 15 - 19 March 2017, Akritochori, Lake Kerkini National Park Greece. p.  34. (poster).


34. KAZANTZIDIS S., NAZIRIDIS T., BOURDAKIS E. and VASILIADIS I. 2017. Numbers, distribution and roosting site characteristics of wintering Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) in Greece, in 2013. In: Programme and Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Conference on Cormorants - 7th Meeting of Wetlands International - 1st Meeting of Pelican Specialists Group "Pelicans, cormorants and fishes: mutual competition or harmonious coexistence?" 15 - 19 March 2017, Akritochori, Lake Kerkini National Park Greece. p.  35. (poster).


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