
Ερευνητικό προσωπικό

Spanos, I., Raftoyannis, Y., Goudelis, G., Xanthopoulou, E., Samara, Th. and Tsiontsis, A., 2005. Post fire management activities and their effects on Pinushalepensis Mill. forests in N. Greece. Plant and Soil, 278:171-179.

Samara, T. and Tsitsoni, T., 2010. The effects of vegetation on screening road traffic noise from a city ring road.Noise Control Engineering Journal, 59 (1):68-74.

Samara, Τ. and Tsitsoni, Τ., 2014.Selection of forest species for use in urban environment in relation to their ability to retain heavy metals. GlobalNestJournal, 16 (5): 966-974.

Samara, T., Tsitsoni, T. and Syrpi, M., 2016. Biomonitoring of heavy metal pollution on the leaves of Cupressusarizona and Albiziajulibrissin and their contamination sources in Thessaloniki city (Greece). Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 17 (4): 1285-1293.

Tsiaras, S., Samara, T. and Spanos, I., 2017. Exploring Linkages among Land Use/Land Cover Change, Ecological Footprint and Sustainable Development. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 18 (3): 879-888.

Nichiforel⁠a⁠,⁠L., Keary⁠, K., Deuffic P., Weiss⁠, ⁠G., Thorsen⁠, B.J., Winkel⁠, G., Avdibegovic, M., Dobšinská, Z., Feliciano, D., Gatto, P., Gorriz-Mifsud, E., Hoogstra-Klein⁠, M., Hrib⁠, M., Hujala⁠, T., Jager⁠q, L., Jarský⁠n, V., Fjodlowski, K., Lawrence⁠, A., Lukmine⁠t, D., Pezdevšek-Malovrh⁠u, S., Nedeljković⁠v, J., Nonić⁠v, D., Krajter-Ostoić, S.⁠, Pukall, K., Rondeux⁠, J., Samara, T., Sarvašová⁠, S., Scriban⁠a, R., Silingiene⁠t, R., Sinko⁠u, R., Stojanovska⁠, M., Stojanovski⁠, V., Stoyanov⁠, N., Teder⁠, M., Vennesland, B., Vilkriste, L., Wilhelmsson⁠, E., Wilkes-Allemann⁠, J., Bouriaud⁠a, L., 2018. How private are Europe’s private forests? A comparative property rights analysis.  Land Use Policy, 76: 535-552.

Samara, T., Raptis, D. and Spanos, I., 2018. Fuel Treatments and Potential Fire Behavior in Peri-Urban Forests in Northern Greece. Environments, 5(7), 790-803.

Tsiaras, S. and Samara, T., 2019. Selection of the most suitable tree species in urban areas based on their capability of capturing heavy metals. A Forest Policy approach. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics. (In press)

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